New Education.
Master new skills.
Learn from the best.
Put your career center stage.
At L’Oréal Professionnel Paris, we have always put our pioneering spirit at the service of hairdressers. But over the past years the hair industry has totally changed.
To help you succeed in today’s world we decided to innovate again and reinvent our approach. For that, we have developed our new education with insights from more than 1000 pros around the world!
Discover the 1st worldwide certifying education program, tailor made for pros, delivered by the stars of the industry.
Available 24/7 online with our digital platform Access and offline to practice on real life models.
What's new ?

For all hair textures, business models, levels and built around 8 sets of expertise made of hard and soft skills to master.
Based on successful recipes of series, with online episodes to learn theory and offline episodes to practice offline.
Binge-watch or pause it at your own pace!
You will have the opportunity to learn from the international stars of the industry, to have by pros for pros content.
We set up a worldwide standard, to create together a global community of certified hair pros , validated on the same professional skills standard either you are based in Shanghai, Paris or London! To make your name a name that matters among other hairdressers and clients!

the series.

Color Keys 1
Watch our first series now!
Our worldwide famous training had a major makeover! Made of 12 episodes to master the principles of hair coloring, neutralization, white hair coverage, application techniques and much more. Also, included a webinar session with an educator to ask all your questions and a dedicated day to practice with real models, to put in practice what you’ve learn online. Thanks to this series, you will be able to be certified, and be recognized worldwide. Learn with Min Kim, our famous global Master colorist at L’Oréal Professionnel Paris and become the Master you were born to be.
Episodes of the series.
Discover the episodes of the New Color Keys 1.
Ep 01. Daily life colors.

If we say color spectrum, does that mean anything to you?
Learn about the elements that characterize the colors such as saturation, exposition or transparency.
As well as the classification of hair color and the types of pigments found in the hair.
7 min
Ep 02. Hair Lightening.

Have you ever had a customer with very dark hair ask you to be blonde?
Learn the elements that allow the natural lightening of your hair and how to reproduce the lightening process in your salon.
Also understand how undertones can affect the desired result.
8 min
Ep 03. Fundamentals, reflects & numbering.

Can you tell the difference between an 8.3, 8.33, and 8.30? Learn about what are fundamentals, reflects?
How to combine and choose the right base.
Understand which shade to choose and when.
6 min
Ep 04. Principles of haircolor.

Learn about what’s inside a coloring tube and the coloring process.
Identify the most suitable coloring product to achieve the desired result.
Know all about L’Oréal Professionnel Paris hair color products: iNOA, Dialight, Diarichesse, Majirel and Majirel High-Lift.
9 min
Ep 05. Neutralization.

Are you able to control or neutralize the reflects that your clients no longer want?
Learn how to find which color neutralizes which reflect and what are the perfect matches to create the desired reflects.
How to differentiate between cool and warm colors?
How to neutralize the undercoat after a lightening?
12 min
Ep 06. White hair coverage.

White hair clients are your favorite clients !
White hair will no longer be a mystery.
Identify the percentage of white hair on a client to adapt the formulation, how to choose your fundamental according to warm or cool shade.
7 min
Ep 07. Take through.

How do you get a customer to come back to your salon? Learn how to play with hair colors and developers to make beautiful take through.
Build customer loyalty with your coloring skills.
9 min
Ep 08. Color application & diagnosis.

How will your color application make the difference?
Learn about the process of a hair coloring service from diagnosis with Style My Hair Pro, to application of regrowth, take through to perfect emulsification.
Benefit from Min Kim's advice as she performs the color service in front of your eyes!
8 min
Ep 09. Health & safety.

How do you manage the safety of your clients and of yourself?
Allergy test is very important, learn when and how to do it to avoid any risks.
Respecting the instructions is the basis of your job because you use chemical products.
4 min

Curl Keys
Watch our second series now!
Curl Keys is an immersion into this gorgeous world of versatile hair.
Get into a world of curly and coily hair in 8 episodes to master the essentials knowledge on curls and coils, drive a perfect diagnosis from consultation to prescription, and how to treat & style this hair.
In addition to the videos, a webinar session is included with an educator to ask all your questions and a dedicated day to practice with real models, to put in practice what you’ve learnt online.
At the end of the practice day, you will be evaluated with the same international certification criteria.
Thanks to this series and its certification, you will get the keys to the curl world and a worldwide recognition.
Learn with Derick Monroe, our famous global Curl Expert at L’Oréal Professionnel and become The Expert you were born to be.
Episodes of the series.
Discover the episodes of Curl Keys.
Ep 01. How to speak.

If I say, what’s your experience with wavy, curly and coily hair?
Do you love it? Are you afraid to work with it?
Learn how to speak the curl way, how to use the right wording to approach the client thank to science knowledge and the elements that characterize the curl wording.
7 min
Ep 02. How to diagnose.

You know how to talk the talk when it comes to hair texture, but do you know how to walk the walk? We will share with you the method to conduct the curl diagnosis from consultation to prescription thanks to 4 steps: observation, consultation, evaluation, prescription.
6 min
Ep 03. Discover Curl Expression.

Do you know why in Curl Expression range we have developed 2 shampoos? We all know curly/coily hair is thirsty hair! It needs moisture, deep conditioning, and a personalized routine.
The Curl Expression Pro formula combines 3 ingredients to bring amazing moisture, strength, shine, softness & curl definition.
8 min
Ep 04. How to treat.

Did you test Curl Expression on your friends? From shampooing and conditioning to styling, you need to know the right gestures and tools to keep the dance in rhythm.
You will discover in this episode how to apply Curl Expression shampoos, masks, leaves-in, thanks to dedicated gestures, tools adapted and defined protocols.
7 min
Ep 05. How to style.

Are you able to style the curly hair of your clients? In this episode, we’re going to explore 3 different techniques that deliver a beautiful full finish.
We’ll do wash & go, a finger Finger coils, and twist out.
They are versatile styles that works on any hair length.
11 min

Color Keys 2
Watch our third series now!
In Color Keys 2, you will discover the tools you need to master all color techniques, from a precise full head pre-lightening application to a perfect undercoat neutralization and gorgeous white hair coverage.
As for each series, a webinar session with an educator is included. You can ask all your questions and you have a dedicated day with real models to put in practice what you have learnt online.
At the end of the practice day, you will be evaluated with the same international certification criteria.
Thanks to this series and its certification, you will get the keys to the color world, as well as a worldwide recognition.
Learn with Min Kim, our famous global Master colorist at L’Oréal Professionnel Paris and become the Master you were born to be.
Episodes of the series.
Discover the episodes of the New Color Keys 2.
Ep 01. White Hair blending.

How do most clients describe their white hair? As a colorist, you have the power to transform white hair into beautiful hair.
Learn about the different ways to play with white hair coverage from blending them to covering them the deepest way.
You’ll discover how to make elegant mix to match natural color effect.
6 min
Ep 02. Long regrowth service.

Do you often have clients with more than 2cm of regrowth? Learn how to do a long regrowth application.
You will be able to see Min Kim doing this application on a model with a long regrowth. Don't hesitate to reproduce the gestures by practicing on a malleable head or on a model!
6 min
Ep 03. Color-out service.

Do your clients often want a hair makeover? Whether it's a lightening purpose or a need to remove build up on an existing color, you have to go through the Color Out step!
Learn about how to color out in 2 different ways.
7 min
Ep 04. Color-in service.

Have you mastered the techniques to really darken a color?
As a professional you must be able to master the Color-in technique.
It's used on colored or sensitized hair when we want to darken two levels or more.
In this episode, you will learn three major Color-in techniques.
9 min
Ep 05. Global pre-lightening & toning service.

Do you know that feeling as a hairdresser when a client asks you to be completely blonde?
Learn how to realize a pre-lightening which can lift up to one level or more.
Through this episode, you will also see how to tone up to neutralize unwanted warmth and bring beautiful shine for a perfect professional finish.
9 min

Scalp Keys
Watch our fourth series now!
Scalp Keys is an immersion into a unique world of skin complexity.
Because the scalp is the foundation of beautiful hair, you will learn how to diagnose different concerns and get the tools to help your clients fully understand their scalp needs.
Using the dermo science and your hair pro expertise, you will be able to offer your client the ultimate scalp care experience, suitable for all.
Learn with Vivek Shyam Bhatia, our famous Global Hair Artist at L’Oréal Professionnel Paris, and become the Master you were born to be.
Episodes of the series.
Discover the episodes of the Scalp Keys.
Ep 01. The scalp science.

If we say deregulated scalp, are you sure you have the tools to set your client on the right path to beautiful, healthy hair? Learn the science of scalp: its structure, how it functions day after day, where all deregulations come from and how to solve them.
6 min
Ep 02. Scalp diagnosis.

You know how to talk the talk when it comes to hair texture, but do you know how to walk the walk? We will share with you the method to conduct the perfect scalp diagnosis from observation, consultation, evaluation to prescription.
5 min
Ep 03. The scalp products.

Have you ever been challenged by clients with itchiness, oily hair, dandruff? Of course you have! Discover the benefits of Scalp Advanced, which combines dermo science and hair pro expertise. This complete range is designed with dermatological actives for targeted scalp care to create the best hair quality for every client’s scalp deregulation.
9 min
Ep 04. The scalp gestures.

Do you want to offer your client the ultimate scalp care experience, suitable for all? Learn how to skillfully and harmoniously work with the scalp and how to unlock your client’s potential for beautifully radiant hair through a truly relaxing experience!
8 min

Balayage & Highlights Keys
Watch our fifth series now!
Do you know that Balayage & highlights are the most requested in-salon services? And do you know the difference between both techniques?
We give you access to all you need to know to manage 80% of your client’s requests!
Immerse yourself, through a certifying program delivered by Harriet Stokes. Discover the Balayage technique, highlights technique, diagnostic, tone, style and more. You will learn the different ways to play with the lightening techniques from highlights to Balayage. It’s all about creating your own signature look with your client’s hair.
Episodes of the series.
Discover the episodes of the Balayage & Highlights Keys.
Ep 01. The rise of Balayage.

How do most clients request the lightening technique they want? As a pro, do you know the difference between Balayage & highlights techniques? As all clients do not want the same result, or techniques, you need to be prepared. In this episode, you will learn the difference between highlights & Balayage 60 years ago versus today, the role of toning and the rise of Balayage through decades.
3 min
Ep 02. The essentials of highlights and Balayage.

Are you sure to master all the fundamentals on Balayage & highlights techniques? In this episode, you will re-discover the essentials of highlights, Balayage and hair painting techniques. You’ll learn few pro tips for the enclosed technique with foils, the open-air technique with planchette and free hand painting.
6 min
Ep 03. The enclosed technique with foils.

Do you want to master the highlights technique?
In this episode, you will learn how to become a highlights expert, with a perfect enclosed technique with foils.
12 min
Ep 04. The open air technique with planchette.

Do you want to master the open air technique with planchette?
In this episode, you will learn how to become a Balayage expert on dark base hair, with a perfect open air technique with planchette.
13 min
Ep 05. The hair painting technique.

Do you want to master the hair painting technique?
In this episode, you will learn how to become a Balayage expert on curly hair, with a perfect hair painting technique.
8 min
Ep 06. The pro secrets of toning.

Want to know the secret of gorgeous longer-lasting hair color? It’s all about the tonality harmony. In this episode, you will learn the reason why of toning, the 2 main pro usages, with Dual toning & Double toning, a color zoning pro tip, as well as how to optimize your result's longevity.
5 min
Ep 07. Business matters.

Do you want a successful career in hairdressing? You need to focus on more than just hair. How do you manage your service menu? Has your client ever been unsatisfied to pay extra charges? In this episode, you will learn the importance of the money piece when it comes to Balayage & highlights and the advantage of all-inclusive packages.
3 min